About Us

Dragon Grips is a family run business that was built to help you hold on to the things that you love.

We want to provide you with the best product, for the best price, in order to make you the best customer a company could hope for!
We are a small family business consisting of myself, my wife, and my two little guys.  I started this as a side business with hopes of teaching my boys marketable skills.  They both have Down Syndrome so I know these skills take longer to develop and we want to set them up for success.  As the business grew, I studied businesses from previous generations and looked at our needs as a family and decided to bring it all home.  Our work day is unlike any other family business I’m sure, as home school, business, and life all intertwine to form something spectacular!  We do everything from the cutting, to the packaging, to the shipping to Amazon for fulfillment right from our home and hope you enjoy your little piece of our dream.
If ever there is a problem with your order, please contact us and let us know.   More importantly, we really want to connect with our customers.  We want to see your projects, know your ideas, and continue to provide a grippy solution to your everyday problems.  We thank you for choosing us and want to continue to provide for you long after your purchase.
        Joel Golden                         Rachel Golden                    The Royal Subjects
  Chief Dragon Master             The Queen (AKA Boss)         Chief Visionary Officers


Joel and I (Rachel) have been married 16 years. During this time we have had ups and downs but have stuck it out and in the process gave our lives to the Lord. We try to live every day for Him, doing His will for us and not our own. He chose not to bless us with children until now. He brought us to our two sons by way of some friends who adopted two little blessings of their own  As we heard about the children listed with Reece’s Rainbow, our hearts broke and we realized that this was what the Lord has intended for our lives. We knew adoption was in His plan for us but weren’t clear on which direction to take, until we found RR.

And we now have our two blessings home with us!! Thank you to all who helped get us here. We are now enjoying the blessing of parenthood to two sweet little boys and we wouldn’t change a thing! Check out our blog here